quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2009

Re: FW: Production Deployment Deferred

OBS: BASANT NAO EH MEU CODINOME, COMO MUITOS ANDARAM QUESTIONANDO! hahahaha Meu codinome aqui eh, digamos, mais elaborado: Vidhyasagar Kumaraswaminathan (विद्यासागर कुमारानाथान pros intimos)

Tou fora do fuso da india, dormindo as 4am acordando as 2pm.
Isso eh uma coisa. Agora segue a outra coisa(nao relacionar as duas). Colhi esse email que chegou nessa semana pra mostrar um pouco do clima dessa semana lah no trabalho. Um dia quem sabe faco uma analise de toda a situacao pra voces.

From: Rumjhum []
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 11:50 AM
To: 'Basant'
Cc: 'Manish'; Sarika; Shraddha larruda
Subject: Production Deployment Deferred

Hi Basant,
This is absolutely not acceptable.
Can you please explain the reason why Quoting Scorecard changes did not go live today.
Just because we are working on Non-Sox Schema does not mean we can keep deploying our changes whenever we feel like.
We have to stick to the timelines.And if we fail that means we could not meet our delivery date.
Please make sure this does not happen again because this will lead to further escalations in future.
This will not only come back to you but it is a failure for the team as well inspite of all the hard work everybody has put in.
Best Regards,

2 comentários:

  1. Basant eh teu codinome?

    dps de 8 meses dançou agarradinho com Maya ai e ja se apaixonou neh! keru ver fotosss

